a year ago today...

2011 August 15

Created by Clare Windle 9 years ago
A year ago today we spent our last day together before you got ill. I can remember it so clearly.... ...you being naughty at church and looking up at me with the cheekiest grin ...sitting in the garden at nanna and granddads and aunty fran trying to eat her dinner but you stealing it ...going for a drive to a nice beer garden and you running around and making me sit on a totally different table to everyone else ...the drive back when you were so so talkative, playing the animal game with nanna and an not letting her speak to anyone else other than you ...you getting upset at home when daddy cut his finger because you didn't like to see daddy hurt ....saying night night and putting you to bed like any other night ...hearing you cry 2 hours later and knowing something wasn't right I miss you so so much froggy xxxxx